Sunday, December 16, 2007

A Day in the Life of ...

OK, so this week, I decide to post a video that we made a while back for a family group back in the US (with a few edits). My apologies to those of you who saw it there, but for the rest of you, I thought you might enjoy it.

Basically, it's just a video about what we do in a typical day. We're hardly accomplished video people, so I apologize for the quality of shooting and editing, but you'll get the idea. (Incidentally, thanks to the folks in Vidalia, GA who gave us our video camera!) It's almost 6 minutes long, so I hope it doesn't take too long for you to load. Enjoy!

We've actually had a pretty eventful week (friends over for dinner, party with our family group last night, etc.), but I think I'll post on all that stuff next time. Hope you enjoyed the video, and have a very Merry Christmas! Oh, and we expect everyone to wish us Merry Christmas in return in the comments section, so go there now and leave a comment or we'll feel like no one loves us (our email box has been empty this week, so we're starting to feel that way anyway). :)