In From the Cold
OK, so I've decided to spare you the view from our window right now, since I've just walked in from a fierce blizzard and it might make you depressed! Or, for those of you with a sadistic streak, it might just make you laugh as you enjoy your wonderful spring weather. Either way, I'm not giving you the chance.
However, I note that it's been well over a week since we last updated, so I figure we're due for something. "What?" is another question altogether, since it's not like we have lots of excitement to report, but frankly, that's more your problem than mine, isn't it? You're the one reading this, after all. But I digress, or at least I would if I had a coherent theme to digress from ...First up on the agenda - International Women's Day! What? Do I hear some of you complaining that it was a couple of weeks ago (and a few others of you saying "there's a Women's Day?")? Well, you'll have to deal with it, because it's been a while since we posted and we didn't get to it last post.
Yes, there is an International Women's Day. It falls every year on the 8th of March, and it's really, really important here in Russia. Every man is responsible to congratulate every woman (and feminine-looking man, just to be safe) on this day, and also must give either flowers or chocolates to pretty much anyone with two X chromosomes whom he happens to know. B celebrated the holiday by going to a women's conference offered at a local family group and listening to a series of speakers.
I'd love to show you the video of the entrance (they all strolled in on a red carpet to blaring music, applause, and confetti - I kid you not), but B committed the cardinal sin of camera video-recording by holding the camera sideways, and it was all for naught. You'll have to live with the above picture of the proceedings. The best thing about the day might have been all the nice stuff the ladies got; quite a treasure trove!Anyway, besides language and culture study, we've also had some team meetings, in which we meet with the whole Moscow team and discuss deep and important topics involving our work. Oh, and we also just kick back and eat, but don't tell anyone.
I'd love to show you the other get-together we had with some friends, but we forgot to take a picture. The story is still worth telling, since it's a little humorous. Last weekend, we decided to have a Super Bowl party. Our friend Julie had gotten the game recorded while she was in the US getting her visa, so we invited all our friends over, bought some frozen pizzas and chips, and got all set up to watch the big game in the grand American style (albeit about a month after the actual game).
Once everyone showed up, we gathered around the TV, put the tape in, to ... crickets. Nothing. Somewhere in the recording process, there had been a minor glitch. As in, nothing got recorded. Fortunately, thanks to the miracle of the internet, we all knew the score and no one's life was irreparably damaged, but it was still the only Super Bowl party I've ever attended in which it was impossible to watch the Super Bowl. We played Phase 10 instead, and I think everyone, especially the ladies, agreed that it was probably more fun than the game would have been anyway.I wasn't kidding about the snow earlier. I attended our small group meeting tonight, and as I walked home from the metro, I was met by one of the more aggressive wind/snow tag-teams we've faced this winter (is it just me, or was spring supposed to start a while back?). I couldn't even see, because every time I opened my eyes, they would fill with snow.
Well, I managed to stagger my way to the house, mumbling something about Lewis maybe being right about the Cosmic Sadist idea, only to find that my wife had a gleam in her eye and was headed outside! What could possibly motivate someone who didn't absolutely need to leave the warmth of the apartment to venture outside?
Insanity. Or, as it's otherwise known, pregnancy. Yes, that's right. Somehow, our poor deluded B has developed a craving for snow. Not just any snow, mind you, but freshly fallen snow, eaten from a bowl. I knew you'd all think I was crazy so I insisted she pose for the above photo. Fortunately, we picked the right city to live in. I mean, if you're going to crave fresh snow, not many places in the world are more conducive to the servicing of that craving than Moscow. He does indeed work in mysterious, mysterious ways. Someday I'd like to ask him about that. :)And finally, one for the grandparents: the latest cute baby picture of Степан Дж-вич.
I guess I'll leave you with just one suggestion: go over to the "David and Erin" link at the right hand part of the page (or just click here) to read about what our friends east of here are up to. These are some of our potential future teammates, who are currently doing some investigation of the area they live in, and the pictures and descriptions are quite interesting. I especially like the tour of the reindeer-herding area, but you might have to scroll down a few posts to get to that. Anyway, leave them a comment, tell them we sent you, and most importantly, be thinking of them!