The countdown is definitely on! Things are starting to find their way into boxes, we're having all those "I've been meaning to have them over" dinners, and we've even bought our tickets. That's right, Wandering Family fans, we're on the home stretch of our time in Moscow, and we're approaching the finish line.
For those of you who were thinking of us during our language exam last week, a HUGE thank you to you! The lovely B was rated at Intermediate Low, and I got an Advanced High grade! OK, without context that would sound like the highest possible grade, but in fact there's Superior above Advanced, but still I'm at what's called "teaching" level, so that's a huge answer to your (and our) thoughts.
We're still pressing on with our language studies, though. I wanted to finish the entire course, and it looks like I have a shot at it if we don't dally on any of the lessons. So, every day we go to class, come home and pack some more, and get up the next day to do it again.
It's getting tiring, especially for B who has the kids on top of all that. Be thinking of her; she's starting to get worn out and we still have a couple weeks to go. I've been on the hunt for those last few items, and yesterday bought our new kitchen chairs. Now I have just the stove to go, and I think I've found a classified ad that will fit the bill. Maybe tomorrow?
So, I mentioned earlier that we've been trying to get together with all of our friends for one last visit. Here my old language helper Andrei and his family came over for blini (like Russian crepes). It was so good to see them again, not to mention having an excuse to have blini again!
I also decided to invite our small group over, though only about half of them actually came. I said goodbye to most of them at our last meeting on Friday, but some of the guys came over for lunch Sunday. We enjoyed the afternoon just sitting around chatting and singing, followed by them being blown away by B's apple crisp dessert. Here's one of the songs we sang (they're actually very good singers; I don't know why my camera makes the sound so funny, like it's off somehow).
And that's about it. For the grandparents/those who care about the boys, they're doing well. Matthew is walking everywhere now, and is almost starting to talk. I'm starting to wonder if he might start talking before his big brother does, even!
Steven just had a haircut and is enjoying the summer a lot more that way. He does keep rubbing his head, just for the new texture, but looking at this picture, who doesn't want to reach out and rub that fuzzy head?
And that's about it. Please be remembering us as we continue to pack up to move. We're hopefully having the container arrive to ship our stuff out to Siberia next Monday, and then we'll hang around for another few days to take the kids to the Dr. for a checkup, etc. As soon as we get there, we'll be looking for a place to live, as well as finding language helpers, etc, and starting on the new adventure of T study!