Fall has fallen!
Actually, I think winter is starting to slip, and it won't be too long before it's fallen too, but for now, everything is pretty. The snow that was promised this morning only hit the mountains, so everything around is nicely dusted in white, while K-town itself is still sunny and nice (if cold).
So, what have we been up to? Language and culture study, that's what. We finally have a language helper, courtesy of our coworkers David and Erin lending us theirs while they're out of town. That means dialogues, monologues, vocabulary, culture events, and most fun of all, TPRs! (They're like TPS reports, only more fun.)
Other than diving into a new language, we've been trying our best to squeeze the last few days of sunlight and normal temperatures for all they're worth, relationship-wise. Of course, having the boys around is an instant ice-breaker:In an effort to develop relationships with some men (OK, also to have fun, but that's beside the point), I've been playing some football/soccer twice a week. I worry about the state of the field a bit, as it's rockier than some mountains I've seen, but so far no broken bones have resulted from a fall. It's just a matter of time, though. One good thing is that no one here is really that good, so even my mediocre skills don't embarrass me on the pitch.
As for our future plans, hopefully tomorrow we're going out to visit our aforementioned teammates in their yurt. If it works out, we may stay a day or two, and then when we come back another new buddy of mine has invited me out to his village for some time in the woods. Should be a lot of fun; keep us in your thoughts!
In newsy-type news, nothing new on the apartment hunt front, so thanks for continuing to think about that. Our other coworkers, David and Christy, are preparing for their return to Europe to have their twins, so be thinking about all the documentation, etc., that goes into that. And I think that's it. Thanks for stopping by, and we'll be sure to post lots of yurt/woods pictures when and if (it's a joke, Mom, don't worry!) we get back.