Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Video Blog by B

This picture (of J and Martha at the beach) has nothing to do with anything, I just like it.

Really, this whole post is not really about anything in particular. Nothing exciting is going on in our lives right now except the same old language learning.

Because of that, I thought I would take this opportunity to post some videos of the kids that I have been meaning to post for a while. Some are a couple of months old, and some are really dark, so I apologize, but they're something at least.

The boys are growing up so fast! Steven definitely has a personality and we are trying to shape it the best we can. He is so funny and full of life. Matthew is sprouting up like a weed. This kid eats more food per meal than J does (this is no exaggeration). Apparently, J did the same when he was a baby so maybe Matthew will be the tall one. We will see. Anyway, enjoy the videos: